ActivGo™ is a patented non-invasive technology developed by ProvenMed International to provide advanced urine incontinence management with optimal comfort and reliability.
ActivGo™ is one of the most appropriate urinary collection designed to recover a normal social life for men suffering from urinary incontinence. ActivGo™ was developed to meet the specific needs of men in terms of comfort and hygiene, particularly when used during entire days. Remaining dry is critical: ActivGo ™ spares men from potentially embarrassing situations.
ActivGo™ consists of three components:
Advantages of ActivGo™
Changing urine incontinence care practice.
ProvenMed technology is available in two ActivGo™ models: reusable and disposable. Each model targets a specific market segments.
The competitive advantages of the ActivGo™ system include:
The value of ProvenMed’s products lies in patients’ satisfaction. While using ActivGo™, men eventually gain previously unmet benefits including: improved quality of life and active lifestyle, infection prevention, substantial cost reduction, autonomy and self esteem increase. Not only will ActivGo™ help millions of previously poorly-managed patients, it will also also change current practices in a user-friendly manner thanks to its cost-effective technology. We expect an enthusiastic adoption by caregivers and patients in the setting of home and hospital care.
Compared with existing solutions that require adhesives and delicate training for safe usage, ActivGo™ is incredibly intuitive. There will be no additional need for specific monitoring by healthcare providers. Thus, thanks to decreased caregiver involvement setting up the device in home care, ActivGo™ is expected to dramatically decrease healthcare costs while reducing infection rates.